Webinar: The Hero’s Journey through COVID-19: Practical Skills to Navigate Challenging Socio-Cultural Times (6 CE’s)

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Description of Training:

Our clients are on a Hero’s Journey managing their existential difficulties through COVID-19 during social unrest and environmental challenges. The workshop will address: interpersonal neurobiology, stages of change, hero’s journey of Joseph Campbell and the social unconscious to better understand how to navigate the internal and external (environmental) dynamics affecting our client’s change process. We will explore Integrative CBT and Trauma Informed Care skills to help regulate client’s everyday anxiety/depression and to discover the natural ability to experience resilience. Meets Cultural Competency CE requirement.

This training will be conducted in a webinar format. You will receive an email prior to the webinar with instructions on how to sign in to the webinar.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn how to blend Integrative CBT, trauma informed care, resiliency with interpersonal neurobiology to help manage anxiety/depression during COVID-19.
  2. Delineate specific behavioral/cognitive integrative CBT and trauma informed skills.
  3. Examine Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s journey as it applies to a pandemic.
  4. Explore Social Unconscious theories that  can illuminate underlying schemas and  discover self-efficacy.
  5. Delineate Stages of Change model and interventions.
  6. Examine the science of resilience towards community and world wide problems.


Gantt, S., Badenoch, B. (2018) Interpersonal neurobiology of groups: Psychotherapy and group process. New York: Routledge.

Klineberg, J.(Ed). (2012) Handbook of group psychotherapy. Chapter 5. “Integrative group psychotherapy” by Crosby with Altman. New York: Wiley Publications.

Najavits, L. (2017) Recovery from trauma , addiction , or both. New York: Guilford.

Siegel, D. (2020) Developing mind: How relationships and the brain interact to shape who we are. (Third Edition). New York: Guilford.

Southwick, S., Charney, D. (2018) Resilence: The science of mastering life’s challenges. (Second Edition). Cambridge, Massachusetts: Cambridge University Press.


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